FGXPress PowerStrips

FG Xpress Power Strip Ingredients

PowerStrips™ are truly unique. They contain a patented fusion of ancient herbs and modern energy. Everyone and every part of the body needs energy.

Not only do the strips help control discomfort in a natural way, some people say they do much more

There are Some Impressive Technologies Engineered into the PowerStrip Patches

Each topically applied PowerStrip has two layers. The outer layer contains elemental Germanium. The inner or adhesive layer contains a proprietary blend of: Fermented Korean Red Ginseng, Silver & (Alpha-c CMPTM) Marine Phytoplankton.

Water Soluble  Adhesive
Korean Red Ginseng
Marine Phytoplankton

A Unique, Herbal Pain Relief Patch from FG Xpress

One of the initial effects you'll notice with the application of Power Strips™ is the reduction and relief of minor pain and discomfort. These powerful patches are a truly unique and innovative.  They were developed utilizing a new and interesting technology that consists of a patented fusion of ancient herbs and modern energy. When worn daily, FG Xpress Power Strips™ bring energy to parts of your body that need it. By increasing energy, one of the first benefits you'll notice is relief of discomfort. PowerStrips™ are listed as a Class 1, Medical Device by the FDA because of their ability to provide temporary relief of minor aches and pains.

Class One Medical Device

FGXPress PowerStrips™ are the first of their kind strips sold anywhere in the world. PowerStrips™ are a patented and doctor formulated.  They are listed as a FDA Class I Medical Device for the temporary relief of pain They help provide you with the "power to move"!

Learn More from the Following Video Introduction to PowerStrips.

How are PowerStrips used?

Placement and Application 1. Select a reasonably hair-free application site. 2. Peel off one side of the backing. Apply the sticky side of the patch to the skin. 3. Press the sticky side on the skin, and smooth down. 4. Remove the other piece of backing and continue to smooth down onto the skin. For best results, apply a new PowerStrip™ every 1-2 days, thirty to sixty minutes after bathing and remove thirty to sixty minutes before bathing. While using PowerStrips™ you may experience a warming sensation, which is considered normal. As with any product, pay attention to how you feel and adjust as needed. You may need assistance to place PowerStrips™ in hard-to-reach areas. For external use only. Avoid skin folds, scar tissue, burned or irritated areas. Do not use on rashes; on wounds or damaged skin. Keep patch sealed in shipping bag. Only use one patch at a time. Avoid storing in direct sunlight and protect product from excessive moisture. Store at 68-77 degrees F (20-25 C). After you remove your PowerStrip™ your skin may feel warm and appear red. This is normal. The redness will disappear in a short time. In some rare cases some may experience discomfort. If so, promptly remove the PowerStrip™.   If you are not sure that is product is right for you consult with their physician before using.

Ingredients in PowerStrips

Each topically applied PowerStrip has two layers. The outer layer contains elemental Germanium. The inner or adhesive layer contains a proprietary blend of: Fermented Korean Red Ginseng, Silver & (Alpha-c CMPTM) Marine Phytoplankton.

There are 5 main ingredients and technologies engineered in FG Xpress Power Strips: 1. Powerstrips  utilize a water soluble adhesive making daily use easy and comfortable because it is gentle to the skin. 2. Germanium 3. Korean Red Ginseng 4. Proprietary blend of Marine Phytoplankton 5. Ionic Silver

Don't let this tiny little strip fool you.  It's a powerful, natural alternative which helps provide temporary pain relief of minor aches and pains.

Power Strips, created by Dr. Minsu Kim of the Future Engineering Institute, University of Korea, are worn daily and/or as desired, anywhere on the body where there is minor pain, stiffness, or discomfort. They assist in helping the body to heal itself. PowerStrips are among some of the best natural pain relievers found in the world today

FGXpress Opportunity

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Build an International Income Opportunity in EVERY Country of the World!
It's Easy, Simple, Seamless and Global! 
FGXpress PowerStrips are currently available in 190 countries with more countries available every day. They are helping to relieve pain and discomfort for thousands of people just like you.

FGXpress is designed to bless millions of people with huge residual incomes!  FGXpress wants to share the pain reduction benefits of powerstrips with the world at a record pace. Join us now.  It doesn't matter which country you are from because powerstrips are available most anywhere.

Being financially secure is a major part of all of our health and well being. It is there to serve humanity, not vice versa. The more the merrier, it makes good people better!  Xpress yourself today!

Check out the short compensation video below and start to earn now.  It can't be much easier.

FGxpress Power Strips help everyday people from all over the world relieve discomfort and earn $ too.

Build an International Income Opportunity in EVERY Country of the World!
It's Easy, Simple, Seamless and Global! 
FGXpress PowerStrips are currently available in 190 countries with more countries available every day. FG Xpress Power Strips help relieve pain and discomfort for thousands of people just like you.

FGXpress is designed to bless millions of people with huge residual incomes!  FGXpress wants to share the pain reduction benefits of PowerStrips with the world at a record pace. Join us now.  It doesn't matter which country you are from because Powerstrips are available most anywhere.

Being financially secure is a major part of all of our health and well being. We believe that financial security is here to serve humanity, not vice versa. The more individuals are secure financially, the merrier.  It makes good people better!  Xpress yourself today!

Watch the following videos and learn more about what people from all over the world are raving about.  When you feel better, life is better! When you can earn $, life is better.  Join our global team now.

Ron Williams Explains the Global Opportunity

FGxpress PowerStrip Testimonials from Real People
(Your pain relief may not be the same as experienced by these people but it's worth a try, isn't it?)

FGXpress Compensation Plan Explained by Video

Compensation Plan